SpongeBob SquarePants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman cheats, and Codes for PS2. Also see GameShark Codes for more SpongeBob SquarePants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman cheat codes. Jump to: Cheat (3). Pause the game, then hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle (4), Square, Circle, Square, Circle. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for PlayStation 2 (PS2).
Use the upgrade computer at the bottom of the Magwu Lair. Enter one of the following passwords at the 'Cheat Code' screen to activate the corresponding cheat function:
- Gadget meter always full
Enter Jimmy, Technus, SpongeBob, Tak, Technus as a password.
Coins attracted to youEnter Tralok, Plankton, Danny, Plankton, Tak as a password.
Do not lose coins when knocked outEnter Plankton, Jimmy, Beautiful Gorgeous, Jimmy, Plankton as a password.
Goo does not slow you downEnter Danny, Danny, Danny, Technus, Technus as a password.
More time to do gadget combosEnter SpongeBob, Beautiful Gorgeous, Danny, Plankton, Technus as a password.
SpongeBob concept artEnter SpongeBob, SpongeBob, SpongeBob, SpongeBob, SpongeBob as a password to unlock the SpongeBob concept art.
Tak Temple Puzzle concept artEnter Tak, Tralok, Tak, Tralok, Tak as a password to unlock the Tak Temple Puzzle concept art.
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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for SpongeBob SquarePants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman.
Downtown Treasure Chest
In the beginning of the treasure chest, turn right.
Sandy's Treedome Treasure Chest
Behind a building near patrick's house.
Fishing Gear
To get the fishing gear you have to go aroundthe Krusty Krab, eventually you will see apanel, you will have to belly smack it bypushing x and while in the air pushing o, then atent will pop out of the ground and on thescreen will say you obtained the fishing gear,you can put it on by going in the tent andpushing x.
Mermaid Man Suit
To get the mermaid man suit you have to go tothe construction area in downtown, you willeventually see Patrick after walking around abit, you have to go over and talk to him, hewill say he got the mermaid man and barnacle boysuits, he will then say he is really hungry, youhave to go over to Mr. Krabs mini shop which youcan see when you go in, talk to him and he willgive you a bag of krabby patties, then go overto Patrick and give him the krabby patties, hewill then give you the mermaid man suit, you canput it on by going in a tent and pushingtriangle.
The Dutchman's Graveyard: Extra Lives
When you are getting 'booty', look around whereyou find the booty. Whenever there is booty,there are some lives.
Midway Games: Finding Plankton
Before you can get Plankton, you have tocomplete the Bikini Bottom, Down Town, TreeDome, Jelly Fish Fields, and Goo Lagoon levels;and have to get all the other letter tiles atChum World. Go to the area where the backentrance of the 'Big Top' is located. You willsee a black speck holding up a letter tile. Thatlittle black speck is Plankton. You will have tochase him. The best strategy for this isrolling. When you are directly behind him, jump.If you get him, you will get the letter tile .If you lose, he will yell and jump into a vent .You will then have to go back to where youstarted and try again. Do not try sneaking up onhim from behind -- it does not work. Then, youget to go treasure hunting.
Goo Lagoon: Letter Tile P
Use the following tip in the Beach Area to getatop the juice cart to get the letter 'P'. Whenyou first enter Goo Lagoon, you will notice thebus stop that takes you back to Bikini Bottom. Ashort distance from that is a lifeguard and alifeguard tower. This is not the lifeguard towerreferred to in the following steps. Further downthe beach, you will find another lifeguard andlifeguard tower. SpongeBob actually asks thisparticular lifeguard if he can sit up in histower. The lifeguard's response is something tothe effect that he may not sit in his tower, andtells SpongeBob to, 'Beat it, runt.' Thislifeguard and his successors are the ones youwill have to defeat. You can use any ofSpongeBob's costumes while battling thelifeguards, although it is easier in the MermaidMan outfit -- pelt them with waterballs, asopposed to trying to land a belly-flop or hitthem with the fishing net. After defeating thefirst lifeguard, a new lifeguard appears in anew tower. There are about five lifeguards todefeat, each one bringing a new tower, whichessentially builds a bridge over towards thejuice cart. Near the first lifeguard tower andalong the shoreline, you will find two rocksclose together. High jump up onto the lower ofthe two, then jump and glide to the other rock.From the second rock, you will be able to get tothe first lifeguard tower by performing a high-jump and glide. Keep repeating this maneuveruntil you have crossed all of the lifeguardtowers and make it on top of the juice cart tocollect the letter 'P'. Coincidentally, it iseasier to jump from on top of the juice cart tothe umbrella near the shoreline. Leave thisumbrella stationary. Do not use your Reef Bloweron the pinwheel to start the umbrella gyrating.If you do, you will have a hard time getting theSand Dollar on top of it. For that matter, youmay have a hard time landing on the umbrella atall since it turns so quickly. Other notes ofinterest: If you become frustrated while tryingto achieve objectives, and leave the beach areafor any other area within Goo Lagoon, any extralifeguard towers you created will havedisappeared when you return to the beach area,leaving you with the original lifeguard towerand you will have to start over in defeating thelifeguards to get the other towers back. Thesame is true if you used the Reef Blower on theumbrellas to start them turning/gyrating. Whenyou return from a different area, they will allbe stationary, and you will have to use the ReefBlower to start them turning again.
Tree Dome: Running On The Hamster Wheel
Before you jump on the Hamster Wheel, changeinto your 'Fishing Gear' costume. Then, jump onthe wheel and keep jumping until the timerreaches zero.
Goo Lagoon: Letter Tile B
Ps2 Cheats Walkthroughs
On the to do list in Goo Lagoon, on the jobwhere it says 'To the crows nest', it reallymeans the top of the old, junky ship wreck whereyou have a karate match with Larry the Lobster.Go to the part of the ship that is moving. Whenthe pole gets low, jump on it. It will go highagain and you will get a letter tile.
Want The Jellyfish Fields Ticket
In Bikini Bottem the side where spongebob lives,by Patrick's house there is a jelly fish holdingthe ticket, catch him to get it.
How To Get The Reef Blower
In Jellyfish fields catch 100 jellyfish and go tothe guy that has race snails. He is also inJellyfish Fields. He asks SpongeBob to pick aprize. Then SpongeBob will pick the reefblower.
Level Select
S: Square - O: Circle. Pause the game. Press andhold L1, R2, S, O. A list will pop up. PressSelect to pick.
Super Cheats Ps2
Gameshark Codes
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