Game Genie and Game Shark Handbooks: Date: Code Handbooks teach just how the GGCCC makes codes and some of our tricks of the trade. Game Gear and Game Boy Handbook version 4: 4/16/99: Final Fantasy 3 Spell name modifications: 11/11/98: SNES Game Genie. Super Nintendo (SNES) – Game Genie Code Index. Action Replay Codes Game Genie Codes. The following is a list of games we have Game Genie Codes for games on Super Nintendo (SNES).
Access Bahamut's Cave next to Coneria sailing port
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : GTNZOEYE. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Access Crescent City next to the Coneria sailing port
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : TGNZOEYE. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Access Elftown next to the Coneria sailing port
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : GGNZOEYE. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Access Gaia next to the Coneria sailing port
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : ZINZOEYE. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Access Lefein next to the Coneria sailing port
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : ITNZOEYE. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Access Melmond next to the Coneria sailing port
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : IGNZOEYE. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Access Onrac next to the Coneria sailing port
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : IINZOEYE. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
After battle, status ailments will not cause the character order
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AEOZSGAP | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
After battle, the party's gold will be maxed-out at 999,999
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AAUPKVTA |
Ff1 Nes Maps
Submitted by dimitrijejankov
All party members gain exp. after battle, even if they're defeated
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : XVSPNLAV. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Any attempt to run from any battle will always succeed
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : SZOXYKGK | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Any character class can equip any piece of armor
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : XTNUSGAV. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Any character class can equip any weapon
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : APKLXGAV. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Any magic spell cast on an enemy will defeat it instantly
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AAKLNLIP. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
At the end of battle, all status ailments are cured
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AEXOVZYA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
At the end of battle, each surviving member gets full exp
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing codes : AESPVVOY and AESPXTPA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Automatically win battles after the first round
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AAXZTXZA | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Base number of hits per attack is 11 instead of 1
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : LANZOIPE. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Base number of hits per attack is 5 instead of 1
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : IANZOIPA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Bosses always run away
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AASLZXYG | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Character weapon attacks now have a chance to inflict ailments
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing codes : LEVXAKIE and LNVXGKIT and AASXVEIT | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
When you have the boat and are in any ocean in the boat press A and B at the same time for fifty times and the a puzzle will appear if you solve it you get +200 gold! | Submitted by Matthew Belloff
Collect the contents of ANY treasure chest as many times you wish
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : XTEGKGAV. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Damage spells do much more damage to targets that are weak
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : TEKUOETK and TUKUKETV | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Damage spells do slightly more damage
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : SXKUOETK and SXKUKETV | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Enables use of the Airship before you actually get it!
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : GPOKPZPZ. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Enables use of the Canoe before you actually get it
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AENGAIUY. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Enables use of the Ship before you actually get it
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : TAEKITVS. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Enemies can no longer inflict statuses like paralysis
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : EISXSAEY | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Enemies never run away by default
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AASLGZAI | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Get 20,000 Gold for completing the hidden Ship mini-game
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing codes : AXXGSAGT and TKXKOAAE. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Get 200,000 Gold for completing the hidden Ship mini-game
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing codes : AKXGSAGT and IEXKOAAE and LEXKSAAA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Get 50,000 Gold for completing the hidden Ship mini-game
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing codes : ASXGSAGT and UKXKOAAA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Get 6,500 Gold for completing the hidden Ship mini-game
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : POXKOAAE. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Get attacked almost at every step while in a dungeon
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AEKKSSGA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Get experience and gold for enemies that run away
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : OLNUAZOP | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Get maximum gold for completing the hidden Ship mini-game
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AOXKSAAA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
HARM spells will work against any monster
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : NYOLXOAE | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
If hit is grater theh 8 maximum number of extra hits is x4
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : ZAVXSSZK. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Infinite heal and pure potions in battle
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : SLVPZVVS. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Infinite Spell Points in battle!
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : SUXXAUVS. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Land the Airship on any walkable land square
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : PESKLVAA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Masters with no armor equipped have an absorb of LV 50
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : LLOTUYPA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Ff1 Nes Game Genie Cheats Ninja
No damage from poison while walking
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AAKKSAPA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Ff1 Nes Game Genie Cheats Codes
No random encounters(W)
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AAEKYITA. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Normal enemies will always run away
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AASLTXLG | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Only party members get turns in battles
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : YSKZAPZI. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Play the secret Ship puzzle anywhere on the world map
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AANGGZIZ. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Random encounter at every step
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing codes : OXEKASSU and XVEKZION. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Take no damage from physical attacks
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing codes : OLKXATOP and OLKXGTOP | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
The enemies' turns are skipped
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : VPSZILNP | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Ff1 Nes Guide
Very few random encounters while in a dungeon
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : OXKKXISK. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Walk over any kind of terrain
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : XVKKZGAV. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
Walk through walls in towns, dungeons, etc
Enter in your Game-Genie folowing code : AEEKEZPP. | Submitted by dimitrijejankov
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Final Fantasy Nes Game Genie
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Nintendo Game Genie Codes
Nintendo Game Genie Codes
I grew up with the Nintendo Entertainment System. At the time, games were new and challenging for me, but now I have beaten all of the classics too many times to count. The novelty in playing them normally is long gone. But now I can play a new game: take apart the old 8-bit 6502 code and see how it works! I have created these Game Genie codes this way. Each Game Genie code modifies 1 byte in ROM, however due to paging it can change multiple bytes, each at the same location on different pages. This is dealt with by incorporating a 'compare' or 'key' value into the code, making it an 8-letter code, but still you may have the same original byte at the same location on different pages anyway. So it isn't perfect but usually there it a way to work around it or no noticeable difference when the unintended bytes get changed. Feel free to use these to supplement your own collection of codes. I created these codes using the FCEUX emulator's built-in debugger and Game Genie encoder. I also referred extensively to the 6502 instruction set. Double Dragon
Reveal the complete mission title cut-scene soundtrack by making the scene last 8× as long
Final Fantasy
Start game with music track 'Opening Theme'
Start game with music track 'Ending Theme'
Start game with music track 'World'
Start game with music track 'Ship'
Start game with music track 'Airship'
Start game with music track 'Town'
Start game with music track 'Coneria Castle'
Start game with music track 'Gurgu Volcano'
Start game with music track 'Matoya's Cave'
Start game with music track 'Dungeon'
Start game with music track 'Chaos' Temple'
Start game with music track 'Floating Castle'
Start game with music track 'Future Chaos' Temple'
Start game with music track 'Shop'
Start game with music track 'Battle'
Start game with music track 'Menu Screen'
Start game with music track 'Death'
Start game with music track 'Victory'
Start game with music track 'Got Special Item'
Start game with music track 'Prelude (Character rearrangement version)'
Game Genie cursor wraps from right side of screen back to left side
On a real Nintendo, this requires 3 Game Genies stacked.
Codes go into effect only for the next Game Genie.
Cursor will become difficult or impossible to move based on which order you enter the codes.
Though physically possible, inserting 3 Game Genies without a game cartridge attached will not work because a Game Genie does not have its own lockout chip and therefore relies on the lockout chip in an actual cartridge.
Gradius II
Invincible to enemies (freezes game if you bump into some multi-link enemies)
Pass through solid objects (freezes game if you bump into a boss)
Kung Fu
Invincible unless time runs out
Knife throwers throw the wrong way
Enemy starts with minimum health
Player has auto-recovering health instead of enemy
Legend of Zelda (If you are using an emulator, some of these codes require resetting the game after entering the code.) (The PRG1 revision of Zelda warns you to hold reset when turning off the Nintendo when you die. PRG0 does not have this warning.)
Hidden entrances revealed (Does not have issues like code KTVXXZ) [PRG0, PRG1]
Locked doors still open when you have no keys [PRG0, PRG1]
Bombs explode immediately [PRG0, PRG1]
Bombs explode in half the time [PRG0, PRG1]
Bombs take 2× as long to explode [PRG0, PRG1]
Bombs take 4× as long to explode [PRG0, PRG1]
Fast Text (Does not glitch game from 'Pay me and I'll talk' ladies like code OPPEEA) [PRG0, PRG1]
Maximum of 255 Bombs [PRG0, PRG1 untested]
Don't lose magic shield from the 'Like Like' monster [PRG0, PRG1 untested]
The 'Like Like' monster gives you a magic shield if you don't have one [PRG0, PRG1 untested]
Don't lose sword ability from the white 'Bubble' monster (Does not work on the red 'Bubble' monster) [PRG0, PRG1 untested]
Mouryou Senki Madara
Prevent HP from running out during battle for all players. (Using just the first code by itself works pretty well, but if a character's HP is a multiple of 256, the character could still die.)
No random encounters
Pac-Man (Namco)
Pac-Man moves twice as fast
Pac-Man walks through ghosts instead of dying
Pac-Man can always eat the ghosts no matter what form they are in
Able to select and play any tile that is not covered at all by another tile
Game starts immediately with solitaire ending sequence
Game starts immediately with scrolling credits (may not normally be possible to see this)
Speed up copyright screen when game first starts
Super Mario Bros.
Player and enemies wrap around the screen instead of die when falling down holes.
If player jumps beyond the top of the screen, it also wraps to the bottom, so you can bump your head on the bottom of the screen when jumping for flagpoles
You can become stranded at the end of any level that has bricks across the top of the screen
Game becomes stuck if you run out of time
Buzzy Beetle can be defeated via fireball
Fireballs do not terminate upon defeating an enemy. Side effect: Bowser is defeated with 1 fireball. This code could be called 'stronger fireballs'.
Start game as second quest
Based on code PEAEKG: Question blocks containing coins have a small coin symbol
Question blocks containing power-ups have a small crown symbol
Overworld bricks containing starman have a small star symbol
Overworld bricks containing multi-coins have a small coin symbol
Overworld bricks containing power-ups have a small crown symbol
Overworld bricks containing beanstalks have a small beanstalk symbol
Super Mario Bros. 3
Always able to shoot fireballs regardless of suit, except hammer suit still throws hammers
If player can shoot fireballs, player throws hammers instead
Always have ability to fly regardless of suit
Always have Tanooki statue ability regardless of suit
Glitched statue graphics
Last 2 codes are optional, there may be a bug without them but I have not found it
Player can jump a little bit while in statue state
Tanooki statue state lasts 33% longer
Tanooki statue state never times out
Keep Kuribo's boot after damage
Hammer suit can slide down hills
Frog suit can slide down hills
Mushroom makes you small
Mushroom gives you fire suit
Mushroom gives you raccoon suit
Mushroom gives you frog suit
Mushroom gives you Tanooki suit
Mushroom gives you hammer suit
Mushroom gives you Kuribo's boot (glitched boot graphics)
Leaf makes you small
Leaf makes you big
Leaf gives you fire suit
Leaf gives you frog suit
Leaf gives you Tanooki suit
Leaf gives you hammer suit
Leaf gives you Kuribo's boot (glitched boot graphics)
Flower makes you small
Flower makes you big
Flower gives you raccoon suit
Flower gives you frog suit
Flower gives you Tanooki suit
Flower gives you hammer suit
Flower gives you Kuribo's boot (glitched boot graphics)
Starman invincibility does not wear off until the stage ends
White Block 'behind the scenes' effect does not wear off until the stage ends
Starman changes Mario's first inventory item instead of giving you invincibility
Starman changes Luigi's first inventory item instead of giving you invincibility
Starman squishes into a shell and can be picked up like a turtle. If it comes out of its shell while you're holding it, it disappears and gives you frog suit. If you kick it, it bounces and can hurt you like a turtle shell.
Starman causes instant saving of the princess.
Starman causes instant saving of the princess only if you are holding 'up' when you get it, otherwise it gives you invincibility and hammer suit.
Beating any level causes instant saving of the princess
Always have cloud ability on map (i.e. skip stages), unless you use an actual cloud item