Ship Combat Cheat Sheet Fantasy Flight Games

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  • Gameplay was slow first couple times, until the group got the hang of what they were doing. It is a fun Mafia/Werewolf variant. Every player gets a cheat sheet, and there is an optional card to use with the arrows to remember which cards are in play. Easy enough that kids can play.
  • Whereas the Beginner Game is designed to introduce players to the most basic concepts of roleplaying in a Star Wars setting, the Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook provides all the materials players and GMs need in order to continue their adventures or begin new ones. The Core Rulebook’s rules for character creation and advancement allow players.

COMBaT SkillS Career? Rank Brawl (Br) Gunnery (Ag) Melee (Br) Ranged - Light (Ag) Ranged - Heavy (Ag) knOwledGe SkillS Core Worlds (Int) Education (Int) Lore (Int) Outer Rim (Int) Underworld (Int) Xenology (Int) Other: CuSTOM SkillS weapOn Skill daMaGe ranGe CriT SpeCial CHaraCter sHeet.

s = Success

f = Failure

a = Advantage

h = Threat

t = Triumph

d = Despair

d = Ability

d = Difficulty

b = Boost

b = Setback

c = Proficiency

c = Challenge


Weapon Stats
  • Damage: A flat number means a weapon deals that much damage. A +X means that weapon does that much damage plus the wielder's Brawn. Each uncancelled s adds 1 damage to the attack.
  • Crit: The number of a you need to spend to cause a critical injury.
  • Special abilities vary in the amount of a they require to activate.
Attack Difficulties

Melee attack in engaged range has a base difficulty of dd. All modifiers are placed on that base.

Engageddd for light Ranged
ddd for heavy Ranged
Modifiers to Attack Rolls
  • Ranged Target is Engaged with an ally: Upgrade one d to c
  • Target is prone: Melee adds b; Ranged adds b
  • Aiming: Add b if one maneuver, bb if two.
  • Target is guarded: Add b to check.
  • Engaged target has made a ranged attack: Add b to next melee attack.

Only a max of two maneuvers can be performed in a turn. The first is free, the second costs 2 strain or an action.

  • Aim: Add b to next attack. May be taken twice in a row.
  • Assist: Add b to an ally's next check. Explain how.
  • Concentrate: Maintain a concentratable spell.
  • Counterspell: All opponents within medium range upgrade teh difficulty of checks to cast spells until end of counterspeller's next turn.
  • Guard: Add b to the next attack against the target. You may guard yourself.
  • Interact with environment or gear.
  • Mount or dismount.
  • Move: One maneuver to move between Engaged and Short Range. Two maneuvers to move to or from Medium/Long/Extreme, each band requiring two maneuevers.
  • Activate an ability, attack, or skill check.
  • Exchange action for maneuver.

Status and Environmental Effects

  • Concealment: Adds b or b to rolls, depending on context.
    • +1: Mist, shadow, waist-high grass
    • +2: Fog, dusk, thick shoulder-high grass
    • +3: Heavy fog, thick choking smoke, night, dense underbrush
  • Cover: Ranged defense of 1, plus add b to checks like Perception against the character.
  • Difficult Terrain: 2x maneuvers to move into / through. Impassable requires a skill check.
  • Disoriented: A disoriented character adds b to all checks they make.
  • Immobilized: An immobilized character cannot perform maneuvers.
  • Staggered: A staggered character cannot perform actions (including downgrading them to maneuvers).

Wounds, Strain, and Critical Injuries

  • Exceeding one's Wound Threshold causes the character to be knocked out / incapacitated, and they immediately suffer one Critical Injury.
  • Exceeding one's Strain Threshold causes teh character to be incapacitated.
  • Roll on the Critical Injury Table when you suffer a Critical Injury. Add +10 to the roll for each critical injury you are already suffering from.
Healing Wounds
  • Natural Rest: One night of rest heals one wound.
  • Medicine Check: A character may receive ONE Medicine check per encounter to heal wounds. Difficulty is based on state of health. On a success, the target heals wounds equal to s and strain equal to a.
    • Medicine check difficulty is increased by 2 if a physician is healing themselves.
    • Medicine check difficulty is increased by 1 if a physician is healing without tools.
  • Autohealers: Heals n Wounds, where n is 5 minus the number of autohealers already used in the last 24 hours.
Healing Strain
  • Natural Rest: One night of rest heals all strain.
  • End of an Encounter: A character may make a Simple (-) Cool or Discipline check to recover strain equal to s.
  • See Medicine Check supra.
Healing Critical Injuries
  • Natural Rest: After one week of rest a character may attempt a Resilience check with a difficulty set by the Critical Injury table. A success heals the injury, a failure does not. A t heals an additional Critical Injury.
  • Medicine Check: A Medicine Check may be used once per week to heal a Critical Injury, using the difficulty on the Critical Injury table.
State of HealthDifficulty
Half or less of Wound Thresholdd
More than half of Wound Thresholddd
Wounds exceeding Thresholdddd
Critical InjurySee Critical Injury Table

Dice Tables

CostResult Options
a or t

Recover 1 strain.

Add b to the next allied character's check.

Notice a single important detail about the ongoing scene, such as the location of a door's control panel or a weak point on an armored car.

Inflifct a Critical Injury with a successful attack that deals damage past soak (a cost may vary).

Activate an item quality (a cost may vary).

aa or t

Perform an immediate free maneuver. You still may not perform more than two maneuvers in a turn.

Add b to the targeted character's next skill check.

Add b to any allied allied character's next skill check, including your own.

aaa or t

Negate the targeted enemy's defense (such as defense gained from cover, equipment, or performing the guarded stance maneuver) until the end of the current round.

Ignore penalizing environmental effects such as inclement weather, zero gravity, or similar circumstances until the end of the active character's next turn.

When dealing damage to a target, have the attack disable the opponent or one piece of gear rather than dealing wounds or strain. This could include hobbling them temporarily with a shot to the leg, or disabling their radio. This should be agreed upon by the player and the GM, and the effects are up to the GM (although Table I.6-10: Critical Injury Result, on page 115, is a good resource to consult for possible effects). The effects should be temporary and not too excessive.

Gain +1 melee or ranged defense until the end of your character's turn.

Force the target to drop a melee or ranged weapon they are wielding.


Upgrade the difficulty of the targeted character's next check.

Upgrade the ability of any character's next check (including yours).

Do something vital, like shooting the controls to the nearby blast doors to seal them shut.

On an initiative check, perform an immediate free maneuver before combat even begins.


When dealing damage to a target, have the attack destroy a piece of equipment the target is using, such as blowing up their assault rifle or slicing their sword in half.

CostResult Options
h or d

You suffer 1 strain.

You lose the benefits of a prior maneuver (such as from taking cover or assuming a guarded stance) until you perform the maneuver again.

hh or d

An opponent may immediately perform one free maneuver as an incidental in response to your check.

Add b to the targeted character's next check.

You or an ally suffer b on your next action.

hhh or d

You fall prone.

You grant the enemy a significant advantage in the ongoing encounter, such as accidentally blasting the controls to a bridge were planning to use for your escape.


Your weapon immediately runs out of ammunition and may not be used for the remainder of the encounter.

Upgrade the difficulty of an allied character's next check or your next check.

The tool, Brawl, or Melee weapon you're using becomes damaged (see Core Book page 89).

CostResult Options
a or t

You recover 1 strain.

Add b to the next allied character's check.

Notice a single important detail in the encounter, such as an overly curious waiter or some drapes your character can stand behind to avoid being recognized.

aa or t

Learn the Strength or Flaw of the targeted character.

Add b to the targeted character's next check.

Add b to any allied character's next check, including yours.

aaa or t

Learn the Desire or Fear of the targeted character.

Successfully conceal your true goal in the encounter.

Learn the true goal of your target, if your target has one.


Learn any one Motivation of any character in the encounter (with the GM's approval).

Upgrade the difficulty of the targeted character's next check.

Upgrade the ability of any allied character's next check, including yours.

Do something vital to your goals for the scene, such as getting everyone's attention, or distracting all the guards so your character's friends have a chance to do something important.

CostResult Options
h or d

You suffer 1 strain.

You get distracted or sidetracked momentarily. This can result in your being unable to activate an ability that requires spending a maneuver on their next turn, or it may just result in their being dragged into a lengthy and boring conversation.

hh or d

You accidentally reveals your own Strength or Flaw.

Add b to the targeted character's next check.

You or an allied character suffer b on your next action.

hhh or d

You accidentally reveal your own Desire or Fear.

You accidentally reveal your true goal in the encounter.


You accidentally reveal a Motivation of one of your allies.

You learn one false Motivation of the target character (you believe it to be true).

Upgrade the difficulty of an allied character's next check or your next check.

You become so embroiled in irrelevant events in the encounter that you cannot do anything important during the next round.

CostResult Options
h or d

The magical energies exhaust your character, and they suffer 2 strain or 1 wound (rolling player's choice).

Your character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add b to any attempts to cast spells until the end of your next turn.

hh or d

The spell doesn't take effect until the start of the next round, or after a minute in narrative gameplay.

If you are using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step (see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89).

Until the end of the encounter, enemy spellcasters add b when casting a spell that targets you.

hhh or d

The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of the GM's choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well.

All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies within a day's travel become aware of the character (and depending on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and doing them harm).


You overexert yourself, or lose your magical connection and are unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene.

The GM picks the target of the character's spell. If the caster is an NPC, the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.


The character completely lose control of their magical energies, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM's discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swapping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).

If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.


The character does not have at least one free hand (wielded implements count as a free hand).+b
The character is unable to speak (gagged, silenced, or otherwise).+bb
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their gestures (armor with +2 soak or more), or carrying as shield. This could also include other restrictive outfits, at GM's discretion.+b
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat.Upgrade the difficulty once (or more at your GM's discretion).


0Halflings, Cats, Dogs
1Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Motorcycles, anything roughly human sized
2Horses, Bears, Trolls, Cars, Trucks, Small Aircraft
3Drakes, Giants, Semi-Trucks with Trailers, Small Skybarges, Starfighters
4Dragons, Gunboat and Corevette-sized Starships, Large Skybarges
5Frigate-sized Starships
6Destroyer-sized Starships
7Battleship-sized Starships, some Bulk-Freighter Starships
8Star Dreadnoughts, Full-sized Space Stations
-4Downhill sled, single-thruster rocket, train
-3Aircraft carrier, dogsled, three-masted heavy frigate, space battleship
-2Combat walker, heavy tank, passenger plane, sloop
-1Hang glider, horse-drawn cart, light tank, motorcycle
0Consumer car, jetpack, motorboat
+1Bicycle, hovercraft, trained horse
+2Fancy car, fighter jet
+3High-performance race car, snowmobile, stunt plane
+4Neural interface exoskeleton, V.I. poloting-assisted space superiority fighter
SpeedForced MoveOther Effects
00 range bands-
11 range bands-
22 range bands-
33 range bandsUpgrade the difficulty of all Piloting checks once. Add +20 to the result of any Critical Hit suffered as a result of a collision (see Collisions, on Core Rules page 222).
44 range bandsUpgrade the difficulty of combat checks targeting the vehicle once. Upgrade the difficulty of all Piloting checks twice. Add +40 to the result of any Critical Hit suffered as a result of a collision (see Collisions, on Core Rules page 222).

Vehicle Actions

Ship Combat Cheat Sheet Fantasy Flight Games Online

Accelerate ManeuverAnyAnyThe pilot may increase the vehicle's current speed by one or more, to a maximum of the vehicle's maximum speed. The vehicle suffers a number of system strain equal to the amount its speed increased minus 1, to a minimum of 0.
Brace for ImpactManeuverAnyAnyOnce per round, the pilot may use this maneuver to adjust the vehicle's position to minimize incoming damage. Until the beginning of the pilot's next turn, whenever the vehicle is dealt damage, the pilot may have the vehicle suffer system strain up to its silhouette to reduce the damage it suffers by that amount, to a minimum of 0.
Additionally, until the beginning of the pilot's next turn, whenever the vehicle suffers a Critical Hit, the pilot may have the vehicle suffer system strain up to its silhouette to reduce the Critical Hit result by ten per point of strain it gains this way, to a minimum of 0. If the result is reduced to 0 this way, the Critical Hit is canceled.
DecelerateManeuverAny 1+The pilot may decrease the vehicle's current speed by one or more, to a minimum of 0. The vehicle suffers a number of system strain equal to the amount its speed decreased minus 1, to a minimum of 0.
EvadeManeuver0-43+Once per round, the pilot may perform this maneuver to dodge incoming fire. Until the beginning of the pilot's next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all attacks made against the vehicle and by characters in the vehicle.
RepositionManeuverAny1+ The pilot may move the vehicle one range band. This maneuver reflects minor repositioning to avoid obstacles, close or widen distance in a chase, or otherwise shift within the environment in small ways.
Dangerous DrivingActionAny1+The pilot attempts to control the vehicle as it takes a sharp turn, tries to coax the vehicle through a series of narrowly placed obstacles, or otherwise performs an improbable feat of operating prowess.
When performing the Dangerous Driving action, the character makes a Piloting check with a difficulty equal to the silhouette of the vehicle.
Gain the AdvantageAction1-44+To execute this action, the pilot chooses one enemy vehicle and makes a Driving or Piloting check, the difficulty of which is determined by the relative speeds of the vehicles involved in the attack (see the Speed Advantage Difficulty table). If the pilot succeeds, they gain the advantage.
While a pilot has the advantage, upgrade the ability of all combat checks made from the pilot's vehicle against the target vehicle twice, and upgrade the difficulty of all combat checks made by the target vehicle against the pilot's vehicle twice.
Difference in SpeedDifficulty
Initiating vehicle is traveling at the same speed as the target vehicleEasy (d)
Initiating vehicle's speed is one or more higher than target vehicleAverage (dd)
Initiating vehicle's speed is one lower than target vehicleHard (ddd)
Initiating vehicle's speed is two or more lower than target vehicleDaunting (dddd)
Blanket Barrage 5+0-3The gunner uses the ship's weapons to raise a curtain of fire around the ship, protecting it from smaller vehicles. Any smaller vehicle attempting an attack run will must brave a hurricane of heavy weaponry. This action also speeds up combat when your vehicle has lots of guns.
When performing the Blanket Barrage action, your character makes an Average (dd) Gunnery check and selects all weapons of a single type that share a firing arc. Those weapons count as firing that round. This action requires at least two weapons to use, and it cannot be used if there are not two weapons of a single type that share a firing arc. Until the end of their next turn, all vehicles of silhouette 4 or smaller upgrade the difficulty of any combat checks made against your character's vehicle once, plus one additional time per aa on the check. If their combat check generates hh, they suffer one automatic hit, which deals half the base damage (rounding up) of the type of weapon used in the Blanket Barrage action. If their combat check generates 󲊲, they suffer one automatic hit dealing the full base damage instead.
Concentrated Barage5+0-3The gunner directs the vehicle's fire to focus on a precise point on the opponent's hull. Focusing fire in this way has the potential to deal significant damage. This action also speeds up combat when your vehicle has lots of guns.
When performing the Concentrated Barrage action, the character selects all weapons of a single type (such as 24-pounder cannons aboard a seagoing craft, or railguns aboard a starship) that share a firing arc. This action requires at least two weapons to use, and it cannot be used if there are not two weapons of a single type that share a firing arc. Although the character is firing multiple weapons, the character makes a single combat check, as per the rules for the Perform a Combat Check with Vehicle Weapons action. If the attack succeeds, the character may spend a once to add damage equal to the number of weapons involved in the attack to one hit of the attack. The Concentrated Barrage action can only be used to target vehicles with a silhouette of 5 or higher.
Damage ControlAnyAnyWhen performing the Damage Control action, choose whether you want your character to repair system strain or hull trauma. Then, make a Mechanics check, with the difficulty determined by the Damage Control Difficulty table. If the check is successful, reduce the vehicle's system strain or hull trauma by one per uncanceled s.
Characters can use the Damage Control action to repair system strain multiple times during an encounter. However, only one Damage Control action can be made to repair hull trauma during an encounter—no matter how many characters are on the vehicle. In both cases, you decide whether your players' characters can use the Damage Control action, depending on the current situation (a fighter pilot probably couldn't climb out of their plane to patch their wing, after all).
Characters can also use this action to repair Critical Hits the vehicle is suffering from. The difficulty of repairing a Critical Hit is listed in the Severity column of the Critical Hit Result table. Checks to repair Critical Hits can be attempted multiple times, until the Critical Hit is repaired.
Perform a Combat Check with Vehicles WeaponsAnyAnyAttack with a ship's weapon. See Core Rules page 230.
Additional Vehicle ActionsAnyAnySee the Additional Vehicle Actions table.
Total System StrainTotal Hull TraumaDifficulty
System strain less than half of system strain thresholdHull trauma less than half of hull trauma thresholdEasy (d)
System strain equal to or greater than half of system strain thresholdHull trauma equal to or greater than half of hull trauma thresholdAverage (dd)
System strain exceeds system strain thresholdHull trauma exceeds hull trauma thresholdHard (ddd)
ActionSkill and DifficultyResults
Plot Course Average (dd) Piloting check or Hard(ddd) Perception checkThe crew member studies the terrain ahead and plots a course that should take the vehicle safely through it. On a successful check, each uncanceled #span.genesys s] reduces the b suffered for difficult terrain by one.
CopilotAverage (dd) Piloting or Hard(ddd) Perception checkThe crew member serves as the vehicle's copilot, managing systems and auxiliary equipment to allow the pilot to focus on flying or driving. On a successful check, each uncancelled s downgrades the difficulty of the pilot's next Piloting or Operating check once.
Jamming Average(dd) Computers checkThe crew member uses the vehicle's systems to jam the communications of enemy vehicles. On a successful check, the enemy must make an Average (dd) Computers check to use its own communication systems. The difficulty increases by one for each additional ss, and the jamming affects an additional target for each a spent.
Boost DefensesHard (ddd) Mechanics checkThe crew member reroutes power from other systems to boost the defensive systems of a vehicle. This only works if the vehicle already has a defense of 1 or greater. On a successful check, the vehicle suffers 1 system strain and increases its defense by one until the beginning of the character's next turn. Each additional s increases the duration by one round.
Manual RepairsHard(ddd) Athletics checkIn some cases, repairs can be as simple as welding a sturdy metal plate over a damaged system. If the character has the proper tools for the job, they can attempt to use the Damage Control action with Athletics rather than Mechanics. If successful, the character removes one point of hull trauma from the vehicle, plus one additional point for each additional ss. This follows the limitations of the Damage Control action, and thus may only be attempted once per encounter.
Fire DisciplineHard (ddd) Leadership or Discipline checkThe character forgoes fighting to analyze the opponents' tactics and direct their comrades in achieving greater accuracy with weapons fire. If the check is successful, the next crew member firing a weapon on the vehicle adds b to their check (plus an additional crew member for every additional ss). The character may also spend aaa to allow every hit from shipboard weapons to inflict 1 system strain on their target as well as regular damage until the beginning of the character's next turn, as the carefully timed shots pummel shields and overload systems.
Scan the EnemyHard(ddd) Perception checkThe character uses the vehicle's scanners to study the enemy. If successful, the character learns what weapons the targeted vehicle has, its modifications, and its system strain and hull trauma thresholds. The character can also spend aa to learn its current system strain and hull trauma levels.
Hack Enemy's SystemsHard(ddd) Computers checkThe character uses computers to attempt to disrupt the systems of an enemy vehicle. If successful, the character compromises the defenses of the target vehicle for one round per s (see the Vehicle Components sidebar, on Core Rules page 221). A t may be spent to compromise one enemy weapon of the character's choice, and aa may be spent to inflict 1 system strain on the target vehicle.
Interecept ProjectilesHard (ddd) Computers or Gunnery check or Average (dd) Vigilance checkThe character tracks incoming attacks and uses vehicle systems to disrupt guided projectiles such as missiles, or drops flares and chaff at an opportune moment. If the check is successful, any attacks against their vehicle using weapons with the Guided quality upgrade their difficulty once (plus an additional upgrade for every additional ss) until the start of the character's next turn.

Vehical Critical Hits

01-18Easy (d)Rattled: The vehicle suffers 3 system strain, and its pilot and each occupant suffer 3 strain.
19-36Easy (d)Shrapnel Spray: Chunks of metal or wood are hurled at the occupants at deadly velocity. The pilot and occupants must each make a Hard (ddd) Resilience or Vigilance check or suffer 1 wound, plus 1 additional wound per f on the check; you may spend hhh or d from this check to inflict a Critical Injury on the character.
37-54Easy (d)Hull Damaged: The vehicle's hull is compromised (see Vehicle Components on Core Rules page 221).
55-63Average (dd)Navigation Damaged: The vehicle's navigation is compromised (see Vehicle Components on Core Rules page 221).
64-72Average (dd)Propulsion Damaged: The vehicle;s propulsion is compromised (see Vehicle Components on Core Rules page 221).
73-81Average (dd)Defenses Damaged: The vehicle's defenses are compromised (see Vehicle Components on Core Rules page 221).
82-108Hard (ddd)Weapons Damaged: One of the vehicle's weapons (attacker's choice) is compromised (see Vehicle Components on Core Rules page 221).
109-126Hard (ddd)Brakes Damaged: The vehicle's brakes are compromised (see Vehicle Components on Core Rules page 221).
127-138Daunting (dddd)All Systems Down: All of the vehicle's systems are compromised (see Vehicle Components on Core Rules page 221).
139-144Daunting (dddd)Fire!: The vehicle catches on fire. While the vehicle is on fire, each occupant suffers damage as discussed on page 111. A fire can be put out with a Hard (ddd) Cool or Athletics check (or multiple checks for big vehicles).
146-153Daunting (dddd)Breaking Up: The vehicle begins to come apart at its seams, disintegrating around the occupants. At the end of the following round, it is completely destroyed, and the surrounding environment is littered with debris. Anyone aboard the vehicle has one round to dive for the nearest door before they are lost.
154+-Vaporized: The vehicle is completely destroyed, consumed in a large and dramatic fireball. Nothing survives.


0Simple (-)Pencil and paper
1Edible smartmatter
2Easy (d)Pocket knife, cooked meal
3Basic memescape interface
4Average (dd)Skycar, hoverbike
5Blaster pistol, deluxe memescape interface
6Hard (ddd)Commercial memescape node, commercial starship
7Construction explosives
8Daunting (dddd)Assault rifle
10Formidable (ddddd)Capital ship
Rarity ModifierCircumstances
-1Consumer driven economy
-1Major metropolitan area
-1Trading hub
+0Mid-sized metropolitan area
+0Civilized area
+1Rural or agrarian location
+1State-regulated economy (modifier may not apply to basic living staples)
+2Frontier location
+2Laws prohibiting ownership (modifier only applies to certain items, such as military weaponry or aircraft)
+3Active warzone
+4Post-disaster wasteland

When selling, a character makes a Negotiation check against the rarity. A success with 1 s allows the player to sell the item for 25% of its cost. With ss, 50%, and with sss it's 75%. Illegal goods use Streetwise instead.

Combat Phases

1. Engine­ering Phase (Captain, Engineer)2. Helm Phase (Captain, Pilot, Science Officer)3. Gunnery Phase (Captain, Gunner)The Science Officer can act before or after the pilot in the Helm Phase (2).

Captain Actions

Demand (Intim­ida­te)Grant a +4 bonus to one specific check by succee­ding. You must use this action before the associated check is rolled, and you can grant this bonus to an individual character only once per combat. You cannot make demands of yourselfEnco­urage (Diplomacy DC 15 OR Same Skill at DC10)Can encourage another member of the crew to give her a bonus to her action. This works like aid another (see page 133), granting a +2 bonus to the check required by a crew action.Taunt (Push [Comms], Bluff or Intimi­date)Select an enemy vessel and phase and roll Bluff or Inti­mid­ate; if succes­sful, each enemy character acting during the selected phase takes a –2 penalty to all checks for 1d4 rounds; the penalty increases to –4 if the enemy’s check is made as part of a push action. Cannot target the same enemy twice in combat.Orders (Level 6, Push, 1RP)Can grant an additional action to one member of the crew by spending 1 Resolve Point and succeeding at a related skill check at the above DC. Comp­uters for science officer, Engi­nee­ringShip combat cheat sheet fantasy flight games to play for engineer, gunn­ery (see page 320) for gunner, and Pilo­ting for pilot. Target gains another action if succes­sful, but cannot take the same action twice. You cannot give yourself ordersMoving Speech (Level 12, Diplomacy DC20 + 1.5xTi­er, 1RP)Use your action to give a moving speech to the crew during one phase of combat. For the remainder of that phase, your allies can roll twice and take the better result when performing crew actions.Captain DC's are all 15 + 1.5xSt­arship Ti­er unless otherwise noted

Engineer Actions

Divert (Engin­eering, DC10 + 1.5xTi­er)Make engine­ering check to divert power. If engines, speed increases by 2 this round. If science, science officers get +2 to checks this round. If weap­ons, damage rolls of 1 become 2. If shie­lds, restore an amount of Shield Points equal to 5% of the PCU rating of the starship’s power core (see page 296), up to the shields’ maximum value. Evenly distribute the restored Shield Points to all four quadrants (putting any excess Shield Points in the forward quadrant).Hold it Together (Engin­eering, DC15 + 1.5xTi­er)Select one system; that system is treated as if its critical damage condition were two steps less severe for the rest of the round (wrecked becomes glitching, and a malfun­cti­oning or glitching system functions as if it had taken no critical damage). This check isn’t modified by penalties from critical damage to the power core.Patch (Engin­eering, DC Varies)Patch a system to reduce the effects of a critical damage condition. The number of actions and the DC of the Engine­ering check required to patch a system depend on how badly the system is damaged. The number of actions required can be reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1 action) by increasing the DC by 5. Glit­chi­ng: 1 action, DC 10 + 1.5xTier. Malf­unc­tio­ning: 2 actions, DC15 + 1.5xTier. Wrec­ked: 3 actions, DC20 + 1.5xTierOver­power (6 ranks Engine­ering, Push, DC15 + 1.5xTier, 1RP)If succes­sful, this functions as the divert action, but you can send extra power to any three systems listed in that action. This action and the divert action can’t be taken in the same round.Quick Fix (12 ranks Engine­ering, DC20 + 1.5xTier, 1RP)If succes­sful, remove the critical damage condition from one system for 1 hour (allowing it to function as if it had taken no critical damage), after which time it must be repaired as normal.

Science Officer Actions

Balance (Compu­ters, DC10 + 1.5xTi­er)Can shift Shield Points (SP) from the shield in one quadrant another quadrant, including to depleted shields (after rebala­ncing, every shield must have at least 10% of the total current SP). Altern­ati­vely, you can add up the SP from all the remaining shields and evenly distribute them to all four quadrants, putting any excess SP in the forward quadrant.

Ship Combat Cheat Sheet Fantasy Flight Games To Play

Scan (Compu­ters, DC5 + 1.5xTa­rget's Tier + Counte­rme­asu­res)If you succeed at this check, you learn the first unknown piece of inform­ation on the following list. For every 5 by which you exceed the check, you learn another unknown piece of inform­ation. Subsequent checks reveal new pieces of inform­ation, continuing down this list.
1. Basic Inform­ation: Living crew complement and ship classi­fic­ation, size, speed, and maneuv­era­bility.
2. Defenses: AC, TL, total and current Hull Points, total and current Shield Points in each quadrant, and core PCU value.
3. Weapon: Inform­ation about one weapon, including its firing arc and the damage it deals, starting with the weapon that uses the most PCU. Repeat this entry until all the starship’s weapons are revealed.
4. Load: Inform­ation about how the starship’s expansion bays are allocated and any cargo the starship might be carrying.
5. Other: Any remaining ship statis­tics.Target System (Compu­ters, Push, DC5 + 1.5xTa­rget's Tier + Counte­rme­asu­res)If you succeed, choose one system (core, engines, life support, sensors, or weapons). The next attack made by your starship that hits the enemy ship scores a critical hit on a natural roll of 19 or 20. If that attack deals critical damage, it affects the chosen system. For any further critical damage resulting from the attack, determine which system is affected randomly as normal. Your starship’s sensors can target only one system on a specific enemy starship at a time, though this action can be used to concur­rently target systems on multiple starships.Lock On (Computers 6 ranks, Push, DC5 + 1.5xTa­rget's Tier + Counte­rme­asures, 1RP)If you succeed, your starship’s gunners gain a +2 bonus to gunnery checks against the target for the rest of the round. This action can be taken only once per round.Improve Counte­rme­asures (Computers 12 ranks, DC5 + 1.5xTa­rget's Tier + Counte­rme­asures, 1RP)If you’re succes­sful, gunners aboard the target starship roll twice and take the worse result for gunnery checks during this round (including checks for tracking weapons).

Pilot Actions

FlyNo skill check, regular movementManeuver (DC15 + 1.5xTi­er)Move up to speed, reduce distance between turns by 1 (minimum 0).Stunt (DC Varies)Back off (Piloting DC10 + 1.5xTi­er) Move half speed backwards without turns. If fail, move back 1 hex only. Fail by 5 or more, no movement and -4 to AC and TL.
Barrel Roll (Piloting DC10 +1.5xTier, Large max size) Move half speed and facings inverted 1 round. Fail, no roll. Fail by 5 or more, no roll, -4 AC and TL.
Evade (Piloting DC10 + 1.5xTi­er) Move speed, +2 AC and TL. Fail, no bonus. Fail by 5 or more, still move but -2 AC and TL.
Flip and Burn (Piloting DC15 + 1.5xTi­er) Move half speed and turn 180°. Fail, no rotation.
Flyby (Piloting DC15 + 1.5xTi­er) Move normal, can move through enemy w/o provoking. During gunnery phase, choose one arc of ship to fire at enemy and treat as close range. If fail, gunnery phase is normal and movement provokes.
Slide (Piloting DC10 + 1.5xTi­er) Move up to speed in forwar­d-port or forwar­d-s­tar­board direction w/o changing facing. Fail, move forward half speed w/o turns.
Turn in Place (No skill check) Ship can face any direction, If Clum­sy, -4 AC and TL. If Poor, -2AC and TL.Full Power (Piloting 6 ranks, Push, 1RP)Move your starship up to 1-1/2 times its speed. Can make turns during this movement, but you add 2 to your starship’s distance between turns.Auda­cious Gambit (Piloting 12 ranks, DC 20 + 1.5xTier, 1RP)Move up to speed, treat turns distance as 2 lower (minimum 0), can move through enemies without provoking, and can face any direction at the end of the movement.

Ship Combat Cheat Sheet Fantasy Flight Games Free

Gunner Actions

Ship Combat Cheat Sheet Fantasy Flight Games Download

Fire at Will (Push)You can fire any two starship weapons, regardless of their arc. Each attack is made at a –4 penalty.Shoot (1d20+BAB OR Piloting ranks+­DEX­+Bo­nus­es+­Range Penalty)You can fire one of your starship’s weapons. If you use a turret weapon, you can target a ship in any arc.Broa­dside (Level 6, Push, 1RP)Fire all of the starship weapons mounted in one arc (including turret­-mo­unted weapons). Each weapon can target any vessel in that arc. All of these attacks are made with a –2 penalty.Precise Targeting (Level 12, 1RP)Fire one weapon at one target. If it hits and enemy shield are depleted in that quadrant, you deal critical damage to a random system. If the attack would normally cause critical damage, the normal critical damage applies as well (meaning your attack could potent­ially deal critical damage multiple times; determine which system is damaged as normal each time).

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