Spy Vs Spy Game Boy Color Cheats

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Spy vs. Spy
Basic Information
Video Game
First Star Software
Action, 2D Platform
NES Controller
NES, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Master System, ZX Spectrum and Game Boy Color
Retail Features
North American Release Date(s)
Awards | Changelog | Cheats | Codes
Codex | Compatibility | Covers | Credits | DLC | Help
Localization | Manifest | Modding | Patches | Ratings
Reviews | Screenshots | Soundtrack
Videos | Walkthrough
GOG | In-Game | Origin | PlayStation Trophies | Retro
Steam | Xbox Live

Spy Vs. Spy is a game originally released for home computers and then ported to the NES and Gameboy Color. It is based on the classic comic strip duo of the same name featured in the issues of MAD magazine.

At the cheat section enter: Armour=invincible Nodrop=cant lose secret items Wrkbench=all weapons Madmag=all multiplayer levels Disguise=all costumes., Spy vs Spy PlayStation 2.

GBC boxart
Spy vs spy game boy
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Spy vs. Spy: Operation Booby Trap

Developer: Kemco
Publisher: First Star Software
Platform: Game Boy
Released in JP: May 2, 1992
Released in US: September 1992
Released in EU: 1992

This game has unused graphics.
This game has revisional differences.

A game based on the MAD Magazine comic strips.

Spy Vs Spy Game Boy Color

Unused Graphics

Spy Vs Spy Game Boy

A unique 'GAME OVER' screen graphic. When you get a game over, the sergeant yells at you instead of displaying this.

Revision Differences

The game was rereleased in 1996. The only difference is the title screen, where the registered symbols have been replaced with trademarks, and the second 'SPY' was shifted to the left.


Spy Vs Spy Game Boy Color Cheats Codes

The Spy vs. Spy series
NESNangoku Shirei!!: Spy Vs Spy
ZX SpectrumSpy vs. Spy: The Island Caper
Game Boy (Color)Spy vs. Spy: Operation Booby Trap • Spy vs. Spy (Prototype)

Spy Vs Spy Game Boy Color Cheats Windows 10

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