Mobymax Cheats Unlimited Game Time

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We are the best and most popular cheat codes game site in the world! We add new cheats and codes daily and have millions of cheat codes, FAQs, walkthroughs, unlockables, and much more. Games, cheat codes, sega, sony, nintendo, psx, ps2, faq, hints, walkthroughs. With an unlimited amount of the in-game items, players would fully enjoy what the game Mobymax has to offer. Mobymax HACK, CHEATS - CLICK HERE TO GO TO HACK This simple to use Mobymax hack tool has been in a beta test which was exclusive to professional gamers for a few weeks and it has just been released publicly after multiple requests.

Nov 9th, 2017
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  1. // @name Moby Hax by GamingandmorewithChris 67
  2. // @version 2.0
  3. // @description Your gametime will never run out with this on!
  4. // @match
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  45. if($('.gameStore-remainingCredits').length!0) {
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  54. getBrowserVars: function() {
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  63. browserType = 'chrome';
  64. return '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(hasFlash, browserType, browserVer);
  65. unlockGame: function(gId) {
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  70. if(response.removeStar) {
  71. sGames.openStore();
  72. $('[onclick='sGames.unlockGame('+gId+')']').text('Game Unlocked').removeAttr('onclick').css('cursor', 'auto');
  73. startGame: function(gameId, studentId) {
  74. data:{
  75. 'sortType': 'first',
  76. }
  77. if(response.time < 60) {
  78. sGames.refreshDialogFooterId = null;
  79. alert('You need at least 1 minute of Game Time to play a game.nnGood news! Go work in any of your subjects to earn more time! It's that easy!');
  80. }
  81. sGames.gameId = gameId;
  82. }, 'json');
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  107. $('.gameBoxContentGameObject').contents().find('#novelgames_flashGame embed').attr('width', parseInt(gameTimeDialogDimensions[2])).attr('height', parseInt(gameTimeDialogDimensions[1]));
  108. }
  109. }
  110. /*
  111. var boxRatio = (sGames.gameWidth - boxWidth) * 100 / sGames.gameWidth;
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  113. var gWidth = boxWidth - (boxWidth * gRatio / 100);
  114. var gHeight = boxHeight - (boxHeight * gRatio / 100);
  115. }
  116. },
  117. startTimer: function(timeGame, timeGameTotal, studentId) {
  118. sGames.timeTotal = timeGame;
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  120. sGames.refreshDialogFooterId = setInterval('sGames.timerLogic()', sGames.refreshInterval); // every one sec
  121. closeDialogBox: function(showAlert) {
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  123. dialog.close('gameDialogBox', {
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  128. 'totalTime': sGames.totalTimer,
  129. }
  130. sGames.totalTimerSec = 0;
  131. if(showAlert true) {
  132. }
  133. }
  134. },
  135. if(navigator.onLine) {
  136. if(sGames.totalTimerSec >= sGames.timeTotal) {
  137. return;
  138. sGames.totalTimerSec++;
  139. if(sGames.totalTimerSec >= 60) {
  140. sGames.timeTotal = sGames.timeTotal - 60;
  141. if(sGames.timeTotal <= 0) {
  142. sGames.closeDialogBox(true);
  143. //update db with refreshInterval
  144. $.post('MT/games/updateStudentPlayedTime'.toUrl(), {
  145. 'studentId': sGames.gameStudentId
  146. }, function(response) {
  147. $('.gameDialogBox-wrapper .gameDialogBox-footer .gameBoxFooterInner .timeUsed-timeBox').html(Math.floor(sGames.timeUsed/60));
  148. $('.gameDialogBox-wrapper .gameDialogBox-footer .gameBoxFooterInner .timeLeft-timeBox').html(Math.floor(sGames.timeTotal/60));
  149. }
  150. } else {
  151. }
  152. },
  153. adjustDimensions: function(gType, gHeight, gWidth, magix) {
  154. var gameHeight = gHeight;
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  156. var dialogWidthAbs = '100%';
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  158. dialogWidthAbs = '110%';
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  160. dialogWidthAbs = '110%';
  161. } else if($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) 9) {
  162. }
  163. dialogHeight = gameHeight + magix; // do u believe in magix...
  164. $('.gameDialogBox-wrapper').css({
  165. 'height':dialogHeight + 'px',
  166. 'margin-left':'-{0}px'.format(Math.floor((dialogWidth/2)+1))
  167. $('.gameBoxContent .gameBoxContentGameObject').css({
  168. 'width':dialogWidthAbs,
  169. });
  170. //after dialog rezise, update it again, height might have changed
  171. var updatedResizeVal = parseInt($('.gameDialogBox-footer .gameBoxFooterInner').outerHeight(true))+(parseInt($('.gameDialogBox-wrapper').css('borderTop-width'))*2)+parseInt($('.gameDialogBox-header').outerHeight(true));
  172. $('.gameDialogBox-wrapper').css('height',gameHeight+updatedResizeVal-ieChaosVal);
  173. hasFlash: function() {
  174. // return (typeof navigator.plugins 'undefined' || navigator.plugins.length 0)?!!(new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash')):navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash'];
  175. try {
  176. var fo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash');
  177. }catch(e){
  178. if(navigator.mimeTypes ['application/x-shockwave-flash'] != undefined) hasFlash = true;
  179. return hasFlash;
  180. onOrientationChange: function() {
  181. if ($('#gameDialogBox').is(':visible') && (sGames.gameId > 0)) {
  182. }
  183. };
  184. $(function(){
  185. $(window).bind( 'orientationchange', sGames.onOrientationChange);

Mobymax Games Free

RAW Paste Data

The Sniper 3D Assassin game is getting much fame in the FPS category where the graphics and its design is behind the popularity of the game. You can easily find that there are so many games available at Google Play Store as well as at Apple App Store. However, this one is unique with so many advanced features and a lot more. If you love action shooting game, then it is definitely for you.

The game is free to play along with the in-app purchases which will be encouraging you at most of the stages. To avoid spending real money on the game, you can rely on The Sniper 3D Assassin Hack which is reliable and easy to use also. Even you can progress faster and be the advanced gamer in the nick of time by using it. On the other hand, the below given are some of the advanced tips that you can follow and progress faster without a single issue.

Mobymax Math Games

Make sure that you stay selective and follow all the tips wisely to go well and be the best gamer without an issue.

  1. Mastering The Art

It won’t be wrong as if we say that mastering the sniper is an art which takes time and you need much patience for it. Most of the gamers who begin to play always focus on taking down the maximum number of enemies just by shooting continuously. Well, you don’t have a machine gun that is going to offer rapid fire. Using a sniper mean you need an accurate shot and try to take down the maximum number of the target without making much mess.


Mobymax Cheats Unlimited Game Time Games

Learning the basics and focusing on patience will help you master this art. Even you can be the best gamer in the nick of time by following this method. But, you have to get good weapons lately, and there is a need for in-game currencies. The micro-transaction is a common method which can eat up a good amount of real money from you whereas the hacks are better to prefer here. One can try out Sniper 3D Assassin cheats and get rid of all the issues way effectively as well as easily. These are some easy to follow methods that are much more reliable to use.

  1. Mission type

There is two type of missions in the game; the first one is the primary mission. On the other hand, the second type is wanted missions. Both are quite different, but if you are good at snipping, then chances are higher that you will take down an opponent in both cases without any kind of issue. You just need a good gun, and you need to choose the type of mission you want to play.

Well, coming to differences in both, primary missions are easy to complete, and you can try these out without facing a single issue. All the primary weapons are given to you, and there is just need of targeting the opponent which will take just a couple of seconds. In other words, you can rely on this method due to the effectiveness. In the wanted missions, you have to kill down the drug dealer where you will be shooting at moving target with a limited number of bullets. It is not easy to shot down an opponent just with a normal weapon.

Mobymax Cheats Unlimited Game Time Game

In such cases, you have to buy new weapons and use them to take down an opponent. It will be taking a little bit of time, but you can try out this method and get rid of all the issues with ease due to the effectiveness.

  1. Upgrades

A weapon can be upgraded to many stages, and it is really necessary part of the game to progress faster. If you are not able to upgrade due to lack of currencies, then chances are higher that you will struggle to aim the target. In such cases, you can rely on the Sniper 3D Assassin cheats which will fulfill your need in the most of cases. On the other hand, it is the reliable option than any other that’s why you can try it out now and be the best gamer in the nick of time.

Mobymax Cheats Unlimited Game Time Play

Make sure that you follow the upgrades that are recommended by the developers. All the upgrade recommendation can make your sniper far better than before and be aiming the maximum number of target become easier by using such methods. All the upgrades are not important that’s why you can save currencies and try out the major ones only. Don’t forget to focus on the scope because it let you take straight hits and it is way more reliable than other parts.

Mobymax Cheats Unlimited Game Time Download


Above given are easy to follow and rely on tips that you can try it out without a single issue. Hope, this guide and our Sniper 3d Assasin Cheats will help you progress faster and be the advanced gamer.

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